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  • The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science has announced that… Read more
  • Turing Award winner and Harvard University Professor Leslie Valiant spoke at CSAIL… Read more
  • Barbara Liskov, an Institute Professor at MIT and a principal investigator at CSAIL… Read more
Events Calendar
  • May 21, 2012 at 11:00 AM
    Towards Better Indoor Localization for Large-Scale Systems: Ultra-Wideband and Collaborative Strategies: Indoor localization is an enabling… Read more
  • May 22, 2012 at 10:00 AM
    Semantic Maps for Mobile Robots - Perception, Representation, Reasoning and Actions: Robots have finally escaped from… Read more
CSAIL Feature Story T-Party Project Industry Affiliates Program Health Care Of The Future MERS Unlocking The Key To Intelligence All In A DayÕs Work: Design and Print Your Own Robot

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