Serwisy Funduszy Europejskich

European Funds sites


Introduction to Programme


About the Programme

On 28 September 2007, the European Commission took the decision to implement the Operational Programme Human Capital. It is one of the programmes devised to implement the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-2013 and it covers the entire intervention of the European Social Fund (ESF) in Poland. The approval of the Programme confirms development of the main directions of the governmental employment policy and it enables the efficient use of the ESF funds by Poland within the period 2007-2013.

Objectives and key support areas of the Human Capital Programme

The Programme is a response to challenges posed by the revised Lisbon Strategy on EU-member states, including Poland. Those challenges include: making Europe a more attractive place for investments and working, development of knowledge and innovations, as well as creation of a bigger number of permanent work places. Pursuant to objectives of the Lisbon Strategy and to objectives of the EU cohesion policy, development of human and social capital contributes to more efficient use of work resources and fosters the competiveness of the economy.

Pursuing the efficient development of human resources, the support under the Programme will be provided to the following areas: employment, education, social integration, development of the adaptation potential of employees and enterprises, as well as issues related to creation of efficient and effective public administration at all levels and to implementation of good governance principles.

The main objectives of the Programme include: increasing the employment rate and enhancing social cohesion, which can be attained through implementation of the following six strategic objectives:

  • Improving the level of professional activity and ability of finding employment by persons who are unemployed and professionally passive
  • Reducing areas of social exclusion
  • Enhancing the adaptability of employees and enterprises to changes that take place in the economy
  • Popularisation of education in the society at all educational levels with concurrent improvement of the quality of educational services and a stronger correlation between them and the needs of the knowledge economy
  • Enhancing the potential of public administration as regards development of law and policies and providing high quality services, and strengthening partnership mechanisms
  • Enhancing territorial cohesion.

Implementation of the Programme

The Programme comprises 10 Priorities, which are implemented in a parallel way at the central and regional level. Within the central component, the funds will be allocated to enhance the effectiveness of structures and institutional systems, while the funds within the regional component will be designated mainly for support of persons and social groups.

Financing of the Programme

The Operational Programme Human Capital will be financed at 85% by the EU funds (European Social Fund) and at 15% by the national budget. The total cost of the implementation of the Programme amounts to 11.5 billion EUR, over 9.7 billion EUR of which will be provided by the European Social Fund and the remaining part will be financed from domestic sources.

Entities responsible for project implementation

OP HC envisages two main procedures for project implementation: systemic and competition procedure. Systemic projects are implemented by the beneficiaries appointed by name in the Programme or in other supplementary documents thereto. Competition projects can be carried out by all entities, including:

  • labour market institutions,
  • training institutions,
  • government and self-government administration,
  • entrepreneurs,
  • business environment institutions,
  • non-government organisations,
  • educational and higher education institutions,
  • other entities.

Negotiations with the European Commission

Between January and June 2007, the content of the Programme was being negotiated with the European Commission. The version of the Programme that was approved as a result of these negotiations was submitted to the European Commission via the electronic system of project recording and communication SFC (System for Fund Management in the European Community 2007-2013) on 10 July 2007. Pursuant to the procedure for approval of operational programmes adopted by the EC, the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities consulted the submitted version of the Programme with other Directorates General within the EC between July and August 2007. As a result of the consultations, the content of the Programme has been slightly modified and on 28 September 2007 the European Commission took the decision no. K(2007) 4547 to implement the Operational Programme Human Capital that is co-financed by the ESF in Poland.




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